• Collection for Turkey and Syria: This weekend there will be a separate special second collection for the people of Turkey and Syria. Your offerings will be used to bring relief to these devastated nations. Your generosity will truly be a grace of comfort.
  • Canned Goods for Lent: Once again this year we are asking everyone to considering bringing canned good to the weekend Masses throughout Lent – for those in most need.
  • Easter Choir: Anyone interested in singing in our Easter Choir – please see Melissa after Masses this weekend. All are welcome.
  • Fish Fry: Each Friday during Lent from 4 – 7 PM – here at St. Leo’s. Join us for the best Fish Fry in the universe and help support our parish. $16 pre-sale/$18 at the door. You can purchase online here.
  • Stations of the Cross: Each Friday at 7 PM in the Church.
40 Day Lent Challenge – Week 1Day 5 (Monday): Take 5 minutes of silence during the day.
Day 6 (Tuesday): Look out the window until you find something of beauty you had not noticed before.
Day 7 (Wednesday): Give items of clothing to charitable organizations.
Day 8 (Thursday) : No Whining Day (and no whining about not whining).
Day 9 (Friday): Perform a random act of kindness.
Day 10 (Saturday): Buy non-perishable foodstuffs and donate to a local food bank or shelter.